Human Growth Hormone Is Big Business For Pharma

It seems HGH or Human Growth Hormone has become a popular topic as of late with many Hollywood and celebrities claiming it’s the fountain of youth.

But is it a fit for you?

Inside, we’ll dive into what it is and how it works and how this has turned into big business for pharma.

What is HGH?

HGH, or human growth hormone, is a naturally occurring hormone in the body.

It’s primarily secreted by the pituitary gland and it stimulates cellular division which results in an increase of HGH levels.

HGH is responsible for normal growth patterns during childhood development.

HGH also has other functions such as regulating muscle mass, bone density, fat distribution, red blood cell production and many more.

HGH deficiency can lead to age-related disorders including obesity and type 2 diabetes. HGH supplements has become a popular topic to increase growth hormone levels that are deficient due to aging or illness.

Side Effects of Low Growth Hormone Levels

As with other hormones in the body, it’s critical to keep everything balanced, however as we age, you typically see a growth hormone deficiency.

If you’re HGH levels are too low, common side effects include:

  • Increased risk of diabetes
  • Weight gain in the stomach, trunk or neck
  • Decreased muscle mass and strength

Since HGH aids in recovery, you’ll find that recovery is slower.

Expect more joint and muscle pains from this decline in HGH.

How to Boost Growth Hormone Levels

Intense HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout has been linked to increased growth hormone secretion.

HIIT helps boost HGH levels and is proven to be highly effective, especially when doing it for 15 minutes or more per session.

With your nutrition plan in place, you’ll need to focus on eating the right foods and the right timing of it.

Here’s a quick list:

  • 1-2 hours before: small-sized meal with plenty of protein such as chicken, turkey, beef, or fish along with vegetables/fruits should be consumed.
  • 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil can also be added to add needed fats.
  • 1 hour before: small meal containing carbs such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, or oats mixed with vegetables.
  • 10-30 minutes before: same as #1 with the addition of 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • It’s also highly recommended to load up on amino acids with 30 grams per day taken in divided doses for maximum effect.
  • Amino acids are the building blocks for protein and adding them into your daily regimen will help boost HGH levels, especially when fat loss is a priority.
  • Another easy way to increase levels is by taking HGH supplements which can provide noticeable results.

Growth Hormone Abuse

Taking growth hormone injections is a common routine for bodybuilders and amateur bodybuilders alike due to the decrease fat and increase muscle mass and size.

However, many of these do not use HGH to get to normal levels but instead abuse with superficial amounts of the drug in high doses.

This is a relatively safe drug, however when used in these scenarios can become dangerous.

In addition, if you’re buying these from anyone other than getting them prescribed by a doctor, you don’t know what you’re getting.

Most HGH for sale on the underground market is fake.

HGH is illegal unless provided with a prescription as part of hormone replacement therapy.

Growth Hormone Therapy

HGH injections are used in both children and adults for a variety of reasons.

Children get the drug to curb dwarfism while middle age adults will get prescribed HGH for medical causes to boost to natural levels.

Once someone starts HGH use, you’ll see a difference but it will be slow.

  • Increase in lean muscle mass
  • Fat Loss
  • Better skin

HGH has been labeled the fountain of youth for a reason – it works.

The Downside To HGH

Even if you’re able to get a legitimate prescription, growth hormone is very expensive in the United States.

It can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars per month to several thousand dollars for a single month.

Most people can’t swing the expense even though the drug would be highly beneficial.

Popular brands in the United States are Norditropin and the generic form is Somatropin.

These same drugs in other countries can be 1/3 of the cost in the US.

HGH Supplementation

There are several peptides that are known to boost HGH naturally with little to no side effects.

The most common of these peptides are Sermorelin and Ipamorelin.

These are SUBQ injections taken in the stomach with a small insulin needle that are not as expensive as HGH drugs.

Even though there not near as expensive, they are still extremely high and require a prescription.

Recently, the FDA has began targeting some peptide makers as well as SARMS dealers making it harder to find legitimate SARMS and peptides.

There are other methods to give your HGH a boost, one of the more popular is HGH X2 pills, a supplement available online without a script.

The Final Wrap Up – Is HGH for You?

HGH is used by millions of people in the world for a variety of reasons and has been labeled as the fountain of youth.

It’s an expensive drug when obtained legally but with HGH supplementation, your body can produce natural levels over time.

It helps you pack on lean muscle mass and lose fat while improving skin tone and overall health.

With so many benefits to taking hgh, it’s definitely a supplement worth checking out.

However, big pharma continues to keep the price up even though more Americans would benefit – it’s made it almost impossible to get access to real HGH.